How to Get to Rishikesh from Haridwar Railway Station?

How to Get to Rishikesh from Haridwar Railway Station?

Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh from Haridwar distance is 32 km approx.

Auto charges are somewhere between Rs. 300 – 400 (you have to bargain) for the entire auto booking because in the morning hours there are very less passengers. Otherwise, if daytime autos are available on a sharing basis at a lesser amount may be Rs. 40 per person if I am correct. Autos are available outside Haridwar Railway station or *Chandi More (approx. one km).

Bus charges are Rs. 22 per person from Haridwar to Rishikesh. Either you can walk to Haridwar Bus Depot which is towards the right side approx. 100 meters or wait outside Haridwar Railway Station. Uttarakhand Transport Buses coming from Delhi for Rishikesh pass outside Haridwar Railway Station. You have to wave for them to stop. The bus will drop you at Rishikesh city. If you wish to go to Ram Jhula or Laxman Jhula you have to catch an auto either from Rishikesh Bus Stand or walk a little towards Chandrabhaga Bridge, Rishikesh. Auto charges Rs. 10 per person.

There are few passenger trains daily from Haridwar to Rishikesh early morning hours. One such passenger train is at 5:20 am.

There are a few more passenger trains coming from Delhi reaching Haridwar at 2:50 am and departing for Rishikesh at 3:35 am.

Another one JammunTavi – Rishikesh arrives at Haridwar at 6:40 am, departing for Rishikesh at 6:50 am also known as Hemkunt Express.

All passenger trains also stop at Raiwala, and Veerbhadra stations a few km before Rishikesh station.

Train the cheapest.


October 2013

*For Chandi More nowadays battery-operated three-wheeler are available outside Haridwar Railway Station. Charges Rs. 15/person or Rs. 60 for the entire booking.

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