Bhagirathi Jheel – Asia’s Largest Man made Lake

Bhagirathi Jheel is at New Tehri in Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand.

I was driving a Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark motorbike and the pillion rider was Mom. Yes, Mom and we stop at Bhagirathi Jheel. Mahendra Singh – Fitter at Tehri Hydro Development Corporation was standing along with his friend. I inquired about the Jheel (lake).

(Narrated by Mahendra Singh)

Tehri Dam is the current location. Earlier it was the location of Maharaja Manabendra Shah (BJP Member of Parliament) Palace and also of approx. 250 villages. The Palace is visible – The uppermost part is a little but mostly submerged into two rivers Bhagirathi and Bhilangana that merge at the location and flow towards Rishikesh. The electricity generated from the Dam is sent to Meerut Zone for distribution. The road passing by is a route toward Srinagar, Kedarnath, and Badrinath for devotees. The water is known as Bhagirathi Jheel – a tourist attraction. The lake water spread far within the mountains.

Thank you – said I. Knowledge enhanced.

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