गहवर वन का महात्म्य

गहवर वन का महात्म्य

Gahavar-Van is the secluded place of the sweet pastimes of Sri Radharani. To enter where even the lovely Shyam-Sundar has to wear a disguise. Swami Haridas ji, who expressed his devotion towards Banke Bihari ji of Vrindavan, has also beautifully described the pastimes of Gahavar-Van.

This divine forest was lying desolate. It was declared a reserve forest after 46 years of struggle by Saint Shri Ramesh Baba. Still, its form was pathetic. The Braj Foundation renovated it in 2006-2010. Inside its boundary wall, parikrama-marg, drip irrigation, and benches were made and here the living deities of Jugaljodi along with four friends were installed in the natural environment in the middle of Nikunj. Gahavar-Van is 3 km far from Barsana.

(Hindi to English Translation by Google Translate)

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