Balbhadra Temple – Lord Krishna, Balarama Killed Demon named Dhenukasura at Talvan

Balbhadra Temple & Balbhadra Kund is at Talvan in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh, approx. 4 km from Krishna Kund.

Another drive towards another destination passing through villages, fields – muddy road. And the story:

Under the patronage of Kans, Dhenakasur – The demon created havoc within Talvan. Talvan during those days had lots of fruit trees. Dhenakasur used to visit as a donkey at this location. Whoever (cowherds) visit the fruit garden, Dhenakasur killed the person.

There was a boy named Shri Dama who was very famous among cowherds. He told all about the demon to Lord Krishna. He requested Lord Krishna and his brother Balarama to visit Talvan. Lord Krishna, Balarama visited and killed the demon Dhenakasur. Thus, Talvan people were happy and at peace.

A wall hanging where the story is beautifully displayed. Thanks to the artist.

Lord Krishna created a reservoir here known as Balbhadra Kunda while playing along with his brother Balarama. This is the only temple in the world as said having Lord Krishna, brother Balarama and her wife Revti standing within one frame.

Ladies after prayers walked towards the reservoir to offer prayers, and we join.

Next drive is towards Kumudvan Gangasagar.

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