8 Friends of Shri Radha Rani/Krishna

8 Friends of Shri Radha Rani/Krishna

8 Friends of Shri Radha Rani/Krishna – This photo was taken at Nand Bhavan in Nandgaon (Uttar Pradesh) during Braj Chaurasi (84) Kos Yatra.

Names of 8 friends of Shree Krishna ji
Subal, Madhumangal, Arjan, Gandharv, Vasant, Ujjwal, Kokil, Vidagdha

Names of 8 friends of Shree Radha Rani ji

Shree Lalita Sakhi, Shree Vishakha Sakhi, Shree Chitra Sakhi, Shree Tung Vidhya Sakhi, Shree Indulekha Sakhi, Shree Champaklata Sakhi, Shree Rangdevi Sakhi, Shree Sudevi Sakhi.

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