Mapusa to Brahmadev Devasthan (Brahma-Karmali) – Distance and Directions

Mapusa to Brahmadev Devasthan (Brahma-Karmali village) Distance is 49.5 km approx.

Mapusa > Karasada chowk, National Highway 17 (3 km)

(Karasada chowk is the way towards Thivim)

Karasada chowk, National Highway 17 > Honda Bus Stand (30 km)

(You have to drive straight continuously but Yes, in between you will find a right-turn towards Mayem lake, Bicholim, right-turn towards Harvalem Waterfalls. Turn if you wish to visit a lake or waterfalls or continue driving straight)

Honda Bus Stand > Valpoi (9 km)

(once you reach Valpoi ask for Valpoi Police Station. Take a left-turn And follow the direction for Brahma-Karmali village)

Valpoi > Brahma-Karmali village (7.5 km)

Brahma-Karmali village is the location of Brahmadev Devasthan Temple.

Note: Karasada Chowk, National Highway 17 – Brahma-Karmali village Distance is 46.5 km (approx.)

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