Govardhan Parvat Parikrama on Guru Purnima (2014)

Govardhan Parvat Parikrama on Guru Purnima (2014)

Though 21 Kms Govardhan Parvat Parikrama is held each month between Ekadashi and Purnima i.e., a total of 5 days there are two special occasions when thousands and thousands of devotees visit Govardhan for Parikrama.

One is Guru Purnima and another is four days before Deepawali i.e., Dev Uthani Ekadashi till Pratipada Dooj i.e., a total of 7 days. It is said during these days (during Deepawali) Lord Krishna at the age of 7 years lifted Govardhan Parvat on his left-hand little finger for 7 days and 7 nights to provide shelter to villagers from rain.

This year Guru Purnima was on the 12th of July. Lakhs of devotees visited, and I was one of them. I started Govardhan Parvat Parikrama on the 11th of July night at 8:45 pm from Mansi Ganga and completed Parikrama at 4 morning hours.

Yes, it is tiring especially when one is completing parikrama barefooted though parikrama marg is well made with lights.

Water arrangement is there for devotees by devotees. At the Rajasthan boundary during Parikrama, I saw a banner stating cold water and Bhandara from Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station coolies and many such banners from other devotees. Ambulance, Medical facilities were also available on the way. In totality, it was a new journey, and I am lucky I arrived and completed it.

The amazing knowledge was to know about a few devotees/sadhus offering 108 Dandavat Pranam (obeisance) at one spot and continuing till they complete parikrama in week/s.

Govardhan Parikrama’s knowledge was enhanced by Ram Krishan – a friend and Sanatan Dharm student.

Thank you – said I.

Re: Accommodation at Govardhan during Guru Purnima Parikrama

It was a short notice from Ram Krishna about the upcoming Govardhan Parvat Parikrama during Guru Purnima but having accommodation, especially at Govardhan was not possible. I tried to talk with a few Dharamshala as well as guest houses but sorry – all booked. Devotees book accommodation in advance. Thanks to a friend who tried his best to arrange accommodation so that I can complete Parikrama on Guru Purnima day.

Shri Vishnu Dutt Sharma – Panda Laddu Gopal is having two Dharamshala at Govardhan. Upon the request, he agreed to provide a room having a double bed with a toilet at one of his Dharamshala. It was nearby Mansi Ganga – The starting and ending point of Parikrama.

It was only accommodation and no food. Dinner we had at an ashram – Thanks to Ram Krishna. Guru Purnima was on 12th July. We reached Govardhan on the 11th of July during the evening hours. I paid Rs. 1,000/- for two for one night of stay. The room was having a double bed with a toilet, fan, and an air cooler as the weather was too hot and no rain.

In-short accommodation at Govardhan especially during Guru Purnima and Deepawali days is difficult. If you wish to do parikrama during Guru Parikrama or during Deepawali days, try to book accommodation in advance.


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