Madan Mohan Ji temple is one of the unique specimens of the architecture of Vrindavan. According to popular belief, Sanatan Goswami Ji used to go for alms in Mathura along with the nearby villages of Vrindavan. One day a devotee of Mathura gifted him the idol of Thakur Madan Mohan Ji (one of the names of Lord Shri Krishna), which he put on a high mound near Kalidah.
One day when the merchant boat of Ramdas Khatri trader (popularly known as Kapuri) carrying trading goods got stuck in the sandy bank of Yamuna after an unsuccessful three days attempt to evacuate, he started searching for the local deity and sought their help. After coming to the shore, he climb on the hill, and the boat was out immediately after Madan Mohan ji’s darshan and prayer. Returning safely, Ramdas Khatri got this Madan Mohan Ji temple built (around Samvat 1590 to 1627). The original idol of Madan Mohan Ji is now in Karauli.
(Source: Display Board at Madan Mohan Ji Temple)