Anjana Hill – One of The Best Place to Watch Sunrise near Hampi

Anjana Hill – One of The Best Place to Watch Sunrise near Hampi

We started our TVS Scooty from Virupapur Gaddi (the other side of Hampi across the Tungabhadra River) at 5 am to reach Anjana Hill. It was dark and cold as well. We were not sure about the exact location except for the direction to follow: Turn right once on the main road and follow the road to reach Anjana Hill – The Birthplace of Lord Hanuman.

Soon after riding for approx. 1 Km, we saw white lights going up towards a hilltop. We were almost sure that must be Anjana Hill, and yes, we were correct. Anjana Hill is on the left-hand side of the road.

In short: Anjana Hill is situated between Hanumana Halli and Anegundi approx. 3-4 km from Virupapur Gaddi.

15 minutes approx. journey by scooter.

I was surprised to see more tourists already there sipping a cup of tea at a makeshift shop. Very good. We too requested two cups of tea (Rs. 10/each) and parked our scooters. After tea, we started climbing the stairs. 600 approx. At 5:45 am we reached the top of Anjana Hill.

History is written on the wall which says – Lord Hanuman was born 17,87,000 years ago.

Knowledge enhanced. Slowly-slowly more tourists arrived, and we all sat all around big rocks to watch the Sun and its rise. Finally, at 7:00 am the wish was fulfilled. We also saw a few students with their teacher offering water to Sun. 8 am was temple aarti time. A student blew the conch to announce – it was prayer time. Everybody assembles inside the temple.

Altogether, it was a nice early morning tour to watch the Sunrise and to be present during prayer hours.

Anjana Hill – One of the best Sunrise points nearby Hampi for sure.