Taxi Fare from Abu Road Railway Station to Mount Abu

Taxi Fare from Abu Road Railway Station to Mount Abu

Taxi Fare from Abu Road Railway Station to Mount Abu via Indica Non-AC taxi I paid Rs. 350.

The distance between Abu Road Railway Station to Mount Abu is 28 km and one hour approx. travel time.


Recently 2014 during a visit to Mount Abu I again hired a taxi service. This time the taxi driver requested for Rs. 400/- for non-ac Indica but upon bargaining, he was ready for Rs. 350/-.

There are more cheaper options to reach Mount Abu from Abu Road and one is sharing jeep service for Rs. 30/- per passenger. Another option is the bus service. The bus stand is approx. 200 meters away from Abu Road railway station. Taxi and sharing jeep are available outside the station.

Note: Mount Abu is the highest Aravalli Range and one has to drive upwards more than 4,000 feet.