Palghar Bus Depot to Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV – How much Auto Fare I Paid?

Palghar Bus Depot to Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV is 32 km approx.

We started our journey from Andheri Railway Station to Palghar Railway Station at 09:19 am via a fast local train.

We reached Palghar Railway Station at 10:40 am.

Andheri Railway Station to Palghar Railway Station is approx. 1 hour 20 minutes journey via fast local train.

We walk towards the West side and right-turn in search of the Palghar Bus Depot.

The bus depot is approx. half a kilometer from Palghar Railway Station.

We started walking and then on the left-hand side, we saw Panchamrut Sweets and Farsan Mart.

We stop for breakfast.

Vada Pav and Vada Samosa we had. It was mouth-watering & delicious.

Finally, we reached Palghar Bus Depot.

We enquire about the bus for Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV.

The bus was parked but was packed with passengers. Even a standing journey was not possible.

We enquire with the auto walas present about the fare for Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV.

Rs. 650 was the reply by the auto walas. We started bargaining.

Rs. 500 I said.

Nobody was ready.

Then an auto wala approached us and was ready to drop us at Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV for Rs. 500.

11:20 am we started our journey via an auto.

At 11:50 am we reached Manor and 12 noon we were at Mastan Naka.

12:30 Noon we reached Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV.

Palghar Bus Depot to Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV is approx. 1 hour journey.

The road condition from Palghar Railway Station to Mastan Naka is fantastic.

Thus, from Palghar Bus Depot to Govardhan EcoVillage – GEV I Paid Rs. 500 as an auto fare.

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