108 Foot High Idol of Hanuman at Jakhu Temple

108 Foot High Idol of Hanuman at Jakhu Temple

Temple opening hours – 4 am

Morning Aarti – 7 am

Lunchtime – 1 – 1:35 pm

Evening Aarti – Sunset time

Temple Closing Hours in Winter – 7 pm

Temple Closing Hours in Summer – 8:30 pm

Note: Bhandara (community kitchen) every Sunday

There are a few ways to reach Jakhu temple. We visited Jakhu temple via Sanjauli. The car reaches up to the stairs of the temple. Then 125 approx. stairs to climb to reach the temple.

The other way is via The Mall nearby Christ Church. One has to walk approx. 1.5 km via Jakhu road to reach the temple.

It is up to you which way you prefer to visit the temple. The way via Sanjauli was easy, I think so.

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