What to do when faced with a monkey?
If the monkey pounces on you to snatch the food item, instead of fighting with the monkey, throw the food item away.
Don’t scare the monkeys, don’t run, but stand straight comfortably.
If you are walking, taking care of the monkey, open your arms and hands with ease and keep your mouth and eyes towards the ground and move out slowly from there.
Protect the natural habitat of monkeys.
What not to do:- Monkeys get irritated by showing food items to them and then pulling them back, don’t do this. Do not run in the direction of the monkeys or away from them. Do not go near to monkeys, do not tease them, and do not be afraid of them. Don’t make eye contact with monkeys, don’t laugh when looking at them, and don’t show teeth to them, because monkeys consider them a challenge and can attack in response. Offer your cooperation in solving the monkey problem by not giving food items to monkeys in public places.