101-Year-Old Bishan Swaroop Chaat

101-Year-Old Bishan Swaroop Chaat

A little further (towards Fatehpuri Masjid) from 300-year-old Shahi Sunheri Masjid (left-hand side), you will find Bishan Swaroop Chaat on the right-hand side.

I wasn’t hungry to have Chaat, but I was happy to notice a display board proudly stating – At your service since 1920.

Upon query, I was told that it was started by Nallu or Lallu Ram – not sure – famous for potato (आलू ) and fruits chaat.

Rate List as follows:

Mix Fruit Chaat – Rs. 50

आलू (potato) Chaat – Rs. 50

Fruit & Fruit – Rs. 80

शकरकंदी Chaat (sweet potato chaat) – Rs. 60

आलू (potato) छोले (chickpeas) Chaat – Rs. 60

आलू (potato) कचालू – Rs. 60

I wish such iconic eateries, especially those existing before independence, to date should get a heritage tag and support from State/Central government. What say?

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