Chandigarh to Shimla Distance is 124 km approx.
We started our journey by hired car at 6:30 am
ISBT 43, Chandigarh > Himalayan Expressway (25 km)
(Rs. 43 toll tax paid at Himalayan Expressway)
Himalayan Expressway > Himachal Toll Tax Barrier (14 km)
(Rs. 40 toll tax paid at Himachal Toll Tax Barrier)
Himachal Toll Tax Barrier > Jabli (10 km)
(Famous Ishar Sweets is at Jabli. If you wish you may stop for snacks and sweets)
Jabli > Dharamapur (10 km)
(Giani Da Dhaba is at Dharampur. If you wish you may stop for breakfast)
Dharampur > Solan (19 km)
Solan > Kandaghat (16 km)
Kandaghat > Shimla (30 km)
We reached Shimla at 9:15 am
Total Travel Time from Chandigarh to Shimla approx. 3 hours.