About: ‘Daibutsu’ – The Great Buddha Statue

About: ‘Daibutsu’ – The Great Buddha Statue

The Great Buddha Statue (Daibutsu-in Japanese) stands on this holy land of Bodhgaya, The place of enlightenment of Gautama Buddha. Bodhgaya is revered as the holiest of the holy by the Buddhists all over the world. In order to pay homage to the enlightened one and to propagate his teachings and to mark as a symbol of peace and happiness – The DAIJOKYO SECT of Nagoya, Japan erected this Great Buddha Statue in meditation pose (Dhyana Mudra) seated on a Lotus in the open air. The statue is a patchwork of blocks of Pink Chunar Sandstone, the Lotus of Yellow Chunar Sandstone and the Pedestal of red Granite Stone. On the either sides of the Great Buddha Statue, the Statues of the Chief Ten Disciples have been erected. The Statue has be designed by the noted famous sculpture – Shri Ganpathy Sathpathy of Mahabalipuram in Chennai, South India and was modelled by the late Shri Rishikesh Dasgupta, a noted sculpture artist from Kolkata. The construction of the Statue was undertaken by M/s. Thakur & Sons, Churar, Uttar Pradesh. It took four years to complete the statue.
The unveiling ceremony of the Great Buddha Statue was held on 18th November, 1989, which was performed by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama. And the Statues of the 10 disciples was unveiled by then Governor of Bihar Dr. A.R. Kidwai on 20th February, 1996.
The Height of the statue is 64 feet; the Height of the Lotus – 6 feet and the pedestal 10 feet.

– Under the Management of the Daijokyo Buddhish Temple, Bodhgaya