Shortest Route from Srinagar to Khirsu – Distance & Directions

Srinagar to Khirsu via Pauri while following National Highway 119 distance is 49 km approx.

Srinagar > Buakhal village, Pauri (34 km)

(Chungi, Srinagar an intersection for National Highway 58 and National Highway 119. NH 58 is for Rishikesh, Badrinath, NH 119 towards Pauri. Follow NH 119 till you reach Buakhal)

Buakhal village, Pauri > Khirsu (15 km)

(Once you reach Buakhal Village, Pauri leave NH 119. Turn left for Khirsu)

There are two ways to reach Khirsu. National Highway 119 as well as by-lane close to Chungi, Srinagar.

Srinagar to Khirsu via a by lane close to Chungi, Srinagar distance is 30 km approx.

Both ways are close to Chungi (tax barrier) but for the shortest distance follow by-lane.

During a recent travel solo by Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark motorbike, I found the condition of both roads excellent. The advantage of traveling via Pauri is a 15 km drive from Buakhal, Pauri till you reach Khirsu is within dense Oak and Deodar forest.

Total Travel Time: 1:45 hours approx.

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