Photo Studios in Rishikesh

Photo Studios in Rishikesh

Recently I needed passport-size photos (color) and I visited Railway Road, Rishikesh. The cost I paid for 7 passport-size photos (color) – Rs. 70 and the delivery of the photos was within 15 minutes.

And then I saw a display board talking about 43 photos (color) for Rs. 50/- only. I inquire about the same and was told delivery of photos will be the day after tomorrow.

I thought of inquiring cost from another shop. Same day 8 passport-size photos (color) for Rs. 50/- only and the day after tomorrow 34 photos (color) for Rs. 50/-.

Upon further query why the difference in cost I was told time is money and the quality of the paper used.

I thought of the quality. I re-checked the photos I had and find the quality of each photo was good.

And then another display board 48 form photo right now. Interesting – said I.

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