Maa Tripura Sundari Lalita Mai Temple (at Nalachatti near Guptkashi) – Built approx. 900 Years ago

Maa Tripura Sundari Lalita Mai Temple (at Nalachatti near Guptkashi) – Built approx. 900 Years ago

This group of temple was built approx. 900 years ago in the name of Lalita Mai by some person.

Lord Vishnu idol installed at the Sanctum Sanctorum (garbhagriha) of the temple is fine example of existing Vaishnava parampara and worship, faith towards Lord Vishnu. Boudha Stupa presence is strong evidence of faith towards Bhagwan Buddha.

(source: display board)

Madhav Prasad Mishra – Priest of the Maa Tripura Sundari Lalita Mai Temple for the last 13 years further enhanced our knowledge by showing us a stupa known as the grave of Raja (King) Nal – husband of Princess Damyanti. He also said – Damyanti Temple is nearby. Each year on the 14th Jeth (May/June) Sankranti one-day festival is held at the temple. It is said earlier times there were 360 temples at Nalachatti.

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