The distance between Vrindavan to Barsana is approx. 40+ Kms. You have to reach Chhata/Barsana More (approx. 25 km from Vrindavan) via National Highway 2 and turn left. And from the left turn, Barsana is approx. 19 km.
Recently during a visit to Barsana from Vrindavan to attend Laddu Holi and Lathmar Holi, I followed the route as below:
Vrindavan > Chhtikara by sharing the auto (Rs. 10)
Chhtikara > Chhata by ordinary bus (Rs. 18/21 km)
Chhata > Barsana by ordinary bus (Rs. 16/19 km)
Chhtikara > Barsana by ordinary bus (Rs. 32/40km)
(Once I paid Rs. 26 from Chhtikara to Barsana but rates increase as per diesel rate I guess)
Chhtikara is 6 km from Vrindavan on National Highway 2. Maybe one will get the direct bus to Barsana, or one has to get down at Chhata to catch another bus to Barsana.
During Lathmar Holi day there was a direct private bus from Vrindavan to Barsana – Rs. 70. And the same day while returning another private bus from Barsana to Chhtikara – Rs. 50/-.
(Auto/Mini Ordinary Bus fares are per person)
Road condition – fantastic. Chhata to Barsana drive is too good.
Once I travel from Vrindavan to Barsana via Auto.
I paid Rs. 700 auto fare from Vrindavan to Barsana to & fro 80+ km approx. total distance.
Auto fare is cheaper than the taxi as per inquiries with various travel agents.