Bhakt Shiromani Shree Meerabai Temple (Vrindavan) – Mirabai Stayed at this very Location for 15 Years

Bhakt Shiromani Shree Meerabai Temple (Vrindavan) – Mirabai Stayed at this very Location for 15 Years

Bhakt Shiromani Shree Meerabai Temple (Vrindavan) is close to Nidhi Van.

As said in the last post we selected Vrindavan City to continue the ‘Braj Chaurasi Kos Yatra‘ and we arrived at Bhakth Shiromani Shri Meerabai mandir. Swami Pradyumn Pratap Singh was present. He is from the side of the Maternal grandfather of Meerabai and currently takes care of the temple as a priest. Approx. 500 years back Meerabai visited Brajmandal along with her baba due to her utmost devotion towards Shri Giridhar Gopal (Mere to Girdhar Gopal {Lord Krishna} Dusra Na Koi) and stayed at this very location for 15 years. Later she proceeded towards Dwarka, Gujarat, and spent the rest of her life inside Ranchod temple and was later not seen by anyone. She was 25 years old when she visited Vrindavan. Meerabai’s husband was a highly respected person from the Rana family who died in the war against Mughal Emperor Akbar. After her husband’s death, her brother-in-law objected to her devotion to Lord Krishna. He once sent a snake inside a flower basket to bite Meerabai but is said believed the snake turned into Shaligram. That Shaligram is currently present within the temple. One can see eyes, nose, ears, and lips present within the same worship as Lord Krishna.

(Shaligram is a pious stone found generally within the Gandaki River in Nepal)

Pradyumn Pratap ji while narrating the history chanted a beautiful verse:

Jaki Rahi Bhawna Jaisi, Prabhu Murat Dekhi Tin Taisi

1842 i.e., Vikram Samwat 1898 the temple was built by Thakur Ram Narain Bhatti – Rajdiwan of Bikaner.

15th and 16th centuries many great saints were born within India – Surdas, Kabirdas, Tulsidas, and Meerabai. It is said Lalita – gopi of Lord Krishna was re-born as Meerabai but few say Radha was reborn as Meera. Anyways, and another verse:

Radha Ka Bhi Shyam Ho To Meera Ka Bhi Shyam

The temple opens for devotees at 7:30 morning hours and closes at 12 on afternoons. Again 5 in the evening it opens and closes for the night at 8. It is sure visiting the temple prepares a person towards utmost devotion with surrender towards God.

Meerabai’s name was given by her baba only and he only requested Meerabai to visit Vrindavan.

Rupa Goswami Ji another great saint regarded Meerabai as equal to their mother.
