Where is The Best Place for Bird Watching in Pushkar?

Yes, there is one Best Place for Bird Watching in Pushkar approx. 11 km from Pushkar Town behind Savitri temple to watch peacocks in large numbers. I remember Kishore Ji – The local guide talked about the same and about a saint – Aaloo Baba who mostly eats potatoes (aaloo). The next day early morning 6:15 I with Kishore Ji riding the Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark motorbike along with the other two bikers towards Ajaypal Vatika – the place to watch birds as well as meeting Aaloo Baba.

It was a dark chilled early morning when we started the journey. No one was on the road except three bikers. During the journey, while riding close to Savitri temple mountain we saw Nilgai (Antelope/Blue Bulls) crossing the road just a few meters away from our motorbike and then a big rabbit running on the road finally entering into the bushes. After driving for approx. 25 minutes passing through the village we reached Ajaypal Vatika also known as Bhairo Mandir, Ajaypal.

It was still dark, bikes were parked in front of a temple and we walked inside. Kishore Ji’s voice was loud and said Namaste to Baba though I cannot see anyone present there except us. A thick voice from inside replied Namaste and requested to come inside. Kishore Ji opened the shutter and we untied our shoes to remove them. We enter the temple area. Inside is the dark and voice of the baba again to take the blanket kept nearby to have a seat. We all sat on the floor on top of the blanket and after a few minutes, we saw an iron gate of the cave entrance and Baba coming out. We all said Namaste. Kishore Ji introduced us one by one. Baba requested Kishore Ji to make tea for all of us. Then came another person. Baba requested him to make tea for all of us. We were served hot tea. Thanks to Baba. And I question Baba: Why Aloo Baba the name why not any other name? Because I love Aaloo (potatoes) and only eat fruits and Aaloo that is why people call Aaloo Baba. We had a smile. As the sip of tea was going on, we were eager to know about birds. Baba said: Don’t be impatient. Let the Sunrise the area inside the temple and nearby temple will be full of peacocks and yes, it was very true. As the Sunrise, we saw peacocks walking from the other side of the hill area that goes towards Ajaypal temple. Within minutes there were about more than 50 peacocks some inside the temple area and some outside. Baba requested one of the person present to offer Aanaaj (meal) to peacocks. There is one big tank full of rice, wheat, bajra, etc. specially kept for peacocks. As the person offered meals to Peacocks we started clicking photos. The arrival time of Peacocks during winter is 7 am I noticed and leaving one hour later. It is indeed a nice place to watch so many peacocks. Baba said many times they are in hundreds and when no one is present except Baba, Peacocks love to have meals from Baba’s hands. Wonderful – whisper I. Pigeons too along with Peacocks in large numbers have morning breakfast served by Baba and his men. After watching Peacocks, and clicking photos we decided to drive towards Ajaypal temple approx. one km further. Friends and I donated Rs. 100 each for a bird’s meal.

Pushkar > Krekdi village via Savitri temple (8 km)

Krekdi village > Ajaypal vatika (3 km)

Pushkar to Ajaypal Vatika distance is 11 km approx.

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