How much is the Shared Taxi Fare from Nashik Road Railway Station to Trimbakeshwar?

The shared taxi fare from Nashik Road Railway Station to Trimbakeshwar (approx. 40 km) is Rs. 150 per person. This fare I was told by a taxi driver during late morning hours when my train reached Nashik Road Railway Station and I visited the taxi stand nearby.

But during my return journey in the evening hours to catch the train, I was again at the taxi stand near Nashik Road Railway Station, and upon query, I was told that the shared taxi fare from Nashik Road Railway Station to Trimbakeshwar is Rs. 100 per person.

So what I understood is that Morning is a busy hour and many train passengers arrive at the taxi stand and in evening hours the rush of passengers must be less compared to morning hours. Thus, the shared taxi fare differs depending upon day hours.