Chariot Wheel Mark and Shell Characters (Udayagiri Hills)

Chariot Wheel Mark and Shell Characters (Udayagiri Hills)

This Archeological area indicates some parts of the Chariot Wheel Mark and Shell Inscriptions. These Shell Inscriptions, which have been found in many places in Rajgir and Northern India, have not yet been deciphered. Probably these shell inscriptions belong to the 4th or 5th century A.D. According to legend, the chariot wheel marks belong to the Mahabharata Period.

Source: Display board by Forest and Environment Department in Bihar

Nand Lal Verma – a private guide present nearby enhances our knowledge.

Rajgir was earlier known as Grih Braj and is surrounded by five mountains connected with each other.

1. Vipulgiri 2. Ratnagiri 3. Udayagiri 4. Sonagiri 5. Vyavhargiri

Currently, we are near Udayagiri.

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