Lansdowne to Kanvashram Distance is 55.5 Km approx.
Lansdowne > Fatehpur (22 km)
Fatehpur > Duggada (3.5 km)
Duggada > Durga temple (3 km)
(Durga temple is on the right-hand side before Kotdwar)
Durga temple > Devi road, Kotdwar ( 13 km )
(Once you reach Kotdwar turn right towards Devi Road)
Devi Road, Kotdwar > A. V. N. Elementary School ( 9 km )
A. V. N. Elementary School turn right > Kanvashram, Kalalghati ( 5 km )
I started the journey at 11:45 afternoon hours solo by Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark motorbike from Lansdowne and reached Kanvashram at 1400 hours.
2:15 approx. journey hours from Lansdowne to Kanvashram.