Ganga Aarti at Triveni Ghat – Under The Guidance of Ganga Sewa Samiti

Ganga Aarti at Triveni Ghat – Under The Guidance of Ganga Sewa Samiti

Rishikesh tour during evening hours, and I visited Triveni Ghat to attend the holy river, Ganga Aarti. A little early I was at the venue and thought to know the history. Organizers were present monitoring arrangements. Upon request, Shri J. M. Arora – The treasurer of Ganga Sewa Samiti narrated The History of Ganga Aarti at Triveni Ghat, in short, as follows:

Though we all know the holy river Ganga has been worshiped for thousand years but in the year 1993 Ganga Sewa Samiti was formed under the guidance of respected citizens of Rishikesh such as Dr. C. L. Kohli, Shri Ram Babu Agarwal, and a few more to worship the holy river Ganga at this venue i.e., Triveni Ghat at a certain time and in an organized manner. The members added donations for the maintenance of the ghat constructed by the government. Since then evening hours Ganga Aarti has been conducted and supervised under the guidance of Ganga Sewa Samiti.

6:30 evening hours is the time for Aarti during summer days and winter days a little earlier.

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