About: Raghunathji Temple – Here, Sri Rama Performed Yajna

About: Raghunathji Temple – Here, Sri Rama Performed Yajna

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This holy spot, where Lord Sri Rama performed a Yagnya after his victorious return from Sri Lanka, was sanctified by the installation of the murti of Sri Raghunathji by Adi Sankara in the first century A.D. It is one of the 108 divyakshetras of our punya bhumi and has been visited from time immemorial by most of the pilgrims from all over India. An inscription behind the temple mentions the visit of one such pilgrim in the first century A.D.

The renovation of this holy temple was undertaken by devotees of Lord Rama at the behest of His Holiness Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam in the year 1986 – 87.

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