About: Ganesh Gufa – Here the Puranas & Mahabharata were Written

About: Ganesh Gufa – Here the Puranas & Mahabharata were Written

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Here the Puranas and Mahabharata described by Shri Vyasa were scripted by Shri Ganesh ji.

With the inspiration of Brahma ji, Vyasa ji invoked Shri Ganesh. Requested Shri Ganesh ji to write.

Gannaya, you become the author of the Mahabharata book created by me.

Shri Ganesh ji replied after listening to Maharishi: Vyas ji, if my writing does not stop even for a moment while writing, then I can become the author of the book.

Vyas ji said you will not write even a single letter without understanding its context.

By the grace of Shree Ganesh ji and Vyas ji, the world has received a treasure like Mahabharata.

Here obstacles are destroyed by the darshan of Shri Ganesh Ji.