Prayagraj to Vindhyachal Dham Distance/Bus Fare & Travel Time

Zero Road Bus Stand, Prayagraj to Vindhyachal Dham distance is approx. 85 km.

Bus Fare from Zero Road Bus Stand, Prayagraj to Vindhyahal Dham is Rs. 104.

(Bus Fare from Zero Road Bus Stand, Prayagraj to Mirzapur is Rs. 116)

At 8:15 am the bus started its journey and reached Atal Chowk, Vindhyachal Dham at 10:30 am.

At 9:45 am at Kukurhi, the bus stops for 15 minutes for snacks & tea. Kukurhi is 60 km from Prayagraj.

Had 2 Aloo (potato) Tikki with Aloo Matar Sabzi for Rs. 10 and the tastiest tea for 10 in Kulhad (handmade clay pot).

2 hours 15 minutes travel time from Zero Road Bus Stand, Prayagraj to Atal Chowk, Vindhyachal Dham.

At Atal Chowk, Vindhyachal Dham hired a sharing auto-rickshaw for Rs. 10 for Maa Vindhyavasini temple. It is a 5-7 minute ride. You may walk also to reach Maa Vindhyavasini temple from Atal Chowk, Vindhyachal Dham.

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