समोसे का इतिहास समोसा, भारतीय स्नैक्स का महाराजा, जिसे देखते ही लार टपकने लगती है, अदरक-नुकीले, आलू, अनार के बीज, किशमिश और कटी हुई मिर्च से भरा सुनहरा त्रिकोण, जिसकी उत्पत्ति 9वीं शताब्दी में हुई …
History of Samosa – Originated in 9th Century
Evening hours we were very hungry after attending Kila Raipur Sports Festival – 2015. Thought of having a samosa at a shop we saw one day before. A few km from Kohara (NH 95) just …
Aloo Pyaz Paratha/White Butter as Breakfast at Mittran Da Dhaba
During our first day tour to attend the Kila Raipur Sports Festival 2015, we stopped for breakfast at ‘Mittran Da Dhaba‘ situated on the left side of Chandigarh–Ludhiana road (NH 95) approx. 30 km from …