Kurja Pakshi Vihar Sthal – Winter Home of Demoiselle Crane Migratory Birds

Jaisalmer to Khichan village, Jodhpur distance is 173 km approx.

Jaisalmer to Jodhpur journey by hired cab. On the way, we stopped at Baba Ramdev ji Temple and 58 km further at Khichan Village to watch Demoiselle Crane – migratory birds are also known as Kurja.

Kurja Pakshi Vihar Sthal is on the left-hand side of the village as the car drive within the by-lanes. Village children are there to guide you. Large groups of migratory birds have never been seen before. And to know more a child directed us towards a person – Sevaram.

Sevaram is a four-time wildlife awardee taking care of migratory birds for the last ten years. Marwar Samaj, District Jodhpur honored him for his selfless services, and very recently he was selected for Wild Life warden from Jodhpur. In short crane conservation i.e., Sevaram. He stays near Pakshi Chuga Ghar (feeding home) on the other side of Khichan Village the location of birds in the morning hours.

Early morning Demoiselle Crane – migratory birds fly from the salt area for Pakshi Chuga Ghar and late morning hours 11:30 or so they fly to reach two ponds – Vijay Sagar, Ratri Naadi situated at Kurja Pakshi Vihar Sthal, Khichan Village. Five evening hours approx. they again fly back to the salt area which is approx. 35 km from Kheechan to stay in the night hours. And again early morning hours for feeding home and then towards two ponds and back to the salt area.

Jowar (white millet), Salt, and Saltwater are bird’s food. Mostly Jain community/villagers feed birds. Sevaram cares for birds including injured ones and takes them to Jodhpur Hospital if required. He also fights legally if anyone disturbs the peace of birds.

07.09.2011 – The date Demoiselle Crane migrated to Khichan. March end or April 1st week they will leave finally to be back again in the month of September/October. Sevaram knows so much about birds even the day they arrive at Khichan. Sevaram is truly one of the true conservationists.

Thank you – said I.

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(Jodhpur to Osian Sand Dunes is approx. 70 km via National Highway 65)

  • Khichan to Jodhpur via Osian Sand Dunes Distance is 149 km approx.