How far is Talwas from Bundi?

Talwas from Bundi distance is 53 km approx.

(To start the journey, you have to reach Ranjit Theater. Next to the theater, there is a road (Nainwa Road) towards Talwas)

Bundi > Kanchan Dham  turn left (27 km)

Kanchan Dham turn left > Jaitpur Chowk turn right (19 km)

Jaitpur Chowk turn right > Talwas (7 km)

I and Ashok Ji – The guide wanted to visit the Fort of Talwas as well as Dhoolshwar Mahadev temple. We started the journey at 12:15 afternoon hours by Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark motorbike from Bundi. We reached Kanchan Dham at 1:00 afternoon hours and Jaitpur Chowk at 1:25. Talwas we reached by 1:40 p.m.

One hour and twenty-five minutes is the total travel time.

Road condition – OK.

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