Pushkar to Merta – Distance and Directions

Pushkar to Merta (Meera Bai Temple) Distance is 62 Km approx.

Pushkar > Thawla (14 km)

Thawla > Padu Kalan (22  km)

Padu Kalan > Dangawas (22 km)

Dangawas > Merta, Meera Bai Temple (4 km)

(Follow NH 89 from Pushkar for Merta City. At Padu Kalan take the right turn instead of the left)

We started Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark at 1:40 noon hours and reached Meera Bai Temple at 3 p.m.

Total Journey Hours from Pushkar to Merta (Meera Bai Temple): 1 hour 20 mins.

When we reached the temple was closed.

Temple Timings

5:30 am – 12:30 noon

5:30 pm – 9:30 pm

As it was too cold those days we decided to visit the panorama which is close to the temple. Ticket Rs. 5 per person and for camera Rs. 10/-. Temple, we decided to visit any other day. Panorama is open from 10 am – 6 pm. It is known as Meera Bai Smarak, Rao Dudagarh.