What is The Most Expensive Sweet You Have Ever Eaten?

A few days back I visited one of the Sweet Bengal outlets in Mumbai Suburban and saw the most expensive sweet on the display.

I decided to have it one day.

Today was the day when I re-visited the Sweet Bengal outlet and had – Gurer Malai Chomchom – the most expensive sweet.

The cost?

Rs. 95 including SGST/CGST.

Upon query, the staff of Sweet Bengal and my Kolkata friend enhanced my knowledge about Gurer Malai Chomchom.

  • Gurer is Gur (jaggery).
  • Malai is thickened milk.
  • Chomchom is somewhat like Rosogolla – not syrupy/spongy/airy but soft & smaller in size.

Agreed. There were two small pieces of Chomchom dipped inside the Malai that was delicious in taste. More than Malai, I liked Chomchom. Now, it’s a personal favorite. I was happy. I had the most expensive sweet to date.