Studds Protective Goggles for Motorcycle Riders

Studds Protective Goggles for Motorcycle Riders

Today I purchased STUDDS Protective Goggles to wear while driving the Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark motorbike. For the last two years, I have been wearing a STUDDS full-face helmet and fastrack sunglasses, but many times was unable to protect my eyes from wind, dirt, and insects. I hope the new goggles will help. How much do I pay for protective goggles?

Rs. 145/- only.

The best I like about the goggles is the clear shade (available in clear, grey, and yellow). Now if I am driving at night hours I can wear the same – correct? Sasta Sundar and I hope it will be Tikau. What about you?

Which protective goggles do you wear while driving a motorbike?