Tatanagar Junction Railway Station to Garage Chowk, Saraikela – How much Auto Fare I Paid?

Tatanagar Junction Railway Station to Garage Chowk, Saraikela distance is 42.7 km as per Google.

Auto Wala asked for Rs. 900 for Garage Chowk, Saraikela from Tatanagar Junction Railway Station.

After the bargain Auto Wala was ready for Rs. 700 including luggage charges. I booked the entire auto.

The travel time between Tatanagar Junction Railway Station to Garage Chowk, Saraikela was 1 hour approx.

If you do not want to book an entire auto and still wish to travel to Garage Chowk, Saraikela then the cheapest way of traveling is via hiring a shared auto from Tatanagar Junction Railway Station till Bistupur Circle. At Bistupur Circle you have to hire another vehicle such as a Tata Magic Express 10 Seater (white color van) to reach Garage Chowk, Saraikela.

The fare from Tatanagar Junction Railway Station to Bistupur Circle via sharing auto is Rs. 20 per person including luggage charges if I am correct and from Bistupur Circle till Saraikela via sharing Tata Magic Express 10 Seater is Rs. 80 per person including luggage charges.