Steam Locomotive Number – 2825/YP was manufactured in 1967 by Tata Locomotive Engineering Limited. After manufacturing, this locomotive was maintained by Steam Loco Shed, Wankaner (Gujarat). Its construction cost was approx. six and a half lakh rupees. This steam loco has been operated on meter gauges for Wankaner-Navlakhi, Wankaner-Maliya Miyana, and on 20.01.1999 this loco was removed from the regular operation service of the Railways. Railway Board’s letter number – 2010/Heritage/Movable/S.L. dated 02.09.2014, the loco has been made to display the railway heritage at Ambala station of Northern Railway, Ambala-Circle. The beautification work of this locomotive was done by Ambala Division.
The technical details of the said loco are as follows:-
Length 19.089 Meters Water Capacity 3000 Gallons
Weight 101.53 Ton Coal Capacity 9.55 Ton
Boiler Working Pressure 210 P.S.I