Distance from Nainital to Other Cities and Towns

Distance from Nainital (Uttarakhand, India) to other Cities and Towns

(Distance from Nainital in km) Nainital – 0, Kathgodam – 34, Haldwani – 40, Pantnagar – 64, Bareilly – 141, Lucknow – 401, Moradabad – 160, Delhi – 362, Ranikhet – 59, Almora via Ranikhet …

Bird’s Eye View of Naini Lake

Bird's Eye View of Naini Lake, Nainital (Uttarakhand, India)

Himalayan View is a little further from where one can watch the Kosi River flowing 14 km in reverse order as told by a guide who showed us the river via a Binocular. Click to …