Gujarati Traditional Thali at Geeta Lodge, Junagadh

Gujarati Traditional Thali at Geeta Lodge, Junagadh

I was traveling from Rajkot to Junagadh by train in a general class compartment. Before the train reached Junagadh, I inquired with a local traveler – Do you know any good eating places in Junagadh?

Geeta Lodge almost opposite the railway station is one of the best places to eat in Junagadh – the answer.

We followed the advice, and soon we visited Geeta Lodge for lunch.

Rs. 110/- unlimited thali and Rs. 20 for a sweet dish.

True. It is surely one of the best restaurants in Junagadh serving thali since 1938.

Don’t forget to read food quotes written on the walls. It talks about the importance of food, the cook, and more…

– I respect anyone who gives me food
– A recipe has no soul. We as the cook must bring soul to the recipe.

Geeta Lodge Timings

11 am – 3 pm / 7 pm – 10 pm

Wednesday is half-day till 2:30 pm

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