Taj Ice Cream is since 1887 situated at Bohri Mohalla in Mumbai (Maharashtra). 1. ताजा गाय का दूध एकत्र किया जाता है। 2. ताजा दूध को पकाने के लिए बर्तन में डाला जाता है। 3. …
ताज आइसक्रीम (बोहरी मोहल्ला) – 137 साल का इतिहास
साधारण शुरुआत 1887 – वह साल जब गुजरात के कच्छ जिले के शहर मांडवी में रहने वाले वलिजी जलालजी ने बॉम्बे (अब मुंबई) के तट पर पहुँचने के लिए नाव से कई समुद्री मील की यात्रा की। व्यवसाय शुरू करने के जुनून से लैस, …
Jai Shri Krishna Dairy Farm – Oldest Lassi Shop in Mumbai
Jai Shri Krishna Dairy Farm is probably Mumbai’s oldest (80/90 years) and most famous/well-known specialty lassi shop, started by Balli Rai, the current owner’s grandfather. Address: Ranade Road (opposite Nakshatra Shopping Center), Dadar West, Mumbai. …
Afghan Church to Churchgate – How much Bus Fare I Paid?
Afghan Church to Churchgate I Paid Rs. 6 as bus fare. The bus number I traveled was 123 A and it was air-conditioned. Afghan Church to Churchgate distance as per Google is 3.5 km.
Churchgate to Afghan War Memorial Church – How much Taxi Fare (as per meter) I Paid?
Churchgate to Afghan War Memorial Church as per meter I paid 65 rupees to the black-yellow taxi. The MINIMUM FARE is Rs. 28.00 for 1.5 km. Churchgate to Afghan War Memorial Church distance as per …
Stained-Glass Window at the Afghan War Memorial Church
Click to learn more about the Afghan War Memorial Church.