Transporting Motorcycle from Ajmer to Mumbai by Train

Transporting motorcycle from Ajmer to Mumbai – Two options: by road or by train. I opt for Transporting Motorcycle from Ajmer to Mumbai by Train. A 1000 km drive isn’t possible. I’m tired.

One day before I traveled by train I visited the Parcel Booking Office situated at Railway Station to inquire. The parcel booking office mostly is either at the start of the railway station platform or at the end. The officer was present. Motorcycle Registration Certificate (RC) photocopy and motorcycle the utmost requirement – He said. Office Timings? Morning till 5:30 evening hours. Thank you – said I.

The next day around 4 evening hours I and my motorcycle were at the Parcel Booking office. A request to book the motorcycle for such and such destination was placed. RC photocopy was presented. FORM I have to fill to mention destinations (start and end), motorcycle details such as cc, motorcycle current value, and signature. But before that, empty your motorcycle petrol tank and request the packing employee to pack the motorbike – said the officer. I was carrying a one-liter empty plastic bottle. The tank was emptied. Petrol was donated to a packing employee – no other option. You can’t carry it. Yes, one has to search for a petrol pump near the destination station once you reach it. Anyways, Sack, Cardboard, and Plastic Cord were used by them to cover the headlight, rear mirrors, petrol tank, back-lights, and side covers. As they were packing I filled the Form and finally, the motorbike was ready to transport. I walk toward the officer to present the Form. After scrutinizing the Form officer’s request for RC and a question: Are you traveling? Yes, said I. He requested to show the reservation ticket. After a few calculations over a calculator Rs. 955 – He said the total amount was paid. A luggage Ticket was issued. Thank you – said I. It was time to show the Luggage Ticket to the packing employee. The luggage ticket number will be written in ink over the packed motorcycle. Done. They ask for 100 rupees – paid. But the query was existing how the total amount is calculated.

I question: Sir, may I know how the total amount is calculated? He replied: Your motorbike is 350 cc – correct? Yes, said I. It comes under 2.50 quintals of weight. We have a list mentioning various cc motorcycles under different weight categories. Then comes the current value of the motorcycle you mentioned. The railway charges 1% of that cost and finally, the charge for the distance covered by train. 976-1000 km is the distance range for your motorbike transportation, thus that charge is also included. In short: Transporting a 350 cc motorbike between 976-1000 km by Express train charges will be Rs. 955. Very useful information – Thank you, said I.

The train was yet to arrive and another query: What if the train is in the night hours or early morning hours? Do you book a motorbike because you said the office closes at 5:30 evening hours? Yes, our regular office hours are morning till evening, but motorbikes will be booked after that time also. One hour before the train leaves the railway station, parcel bookings are open, but we are not present. Some other employee will do the job. The parcel office is open 24 hours – do not worry.

And a thought reaching 2-3 hours before the train leaves is a good option. What if the luggage van is full? Then?

Anyways, the train arrives. The motorbike was shifted towards the platform towards a luggage van by railway employees and into the van. And I towards the reserved seat. The next day when the train reached its destination I reached the luggage van to receive motorbike. Railways employee took it out and then towards the parcel office where the luggage ticket was shown matched with writings over motorcycle packing. Matched. The motorcycle was handed over. This is how I transport motorbike by train. But I will suggest better is to take out the rear mirrors from your motorbike before booking because the luggage van is a few times with a few more motorcycles. Anyway, I was searching petrol pump to fill the petrol tank.